Area 75 m²  •  Principal architect Zuzana & Jan Kurz  •  Photo Lucie Fenclová

Pekárna Chleba se solí, Včelná - pohled do celého prostoru prodejny. Autor: KURZ architekti

We founded the bakery Chleba se solí (Bread with salt) together with a family of bakers and confectioners. The main motive was to create a space in which bread is baked the way it should be. Therefore only from basic ingredients such as flour, water and salt. Nothing more, nothing less. The water we use comes from the Novohradské Mountains,the organic grain is of a Czech origin. The bakery Chleba se solí uses only chemically untreated ingredients as much as possible and tries to preferably satisfy needs of the local community and local demand. Besides the socially beneficial aim is to contribute to the inclusion of medically, socially or occupationally disadvantaged citizens from the proximate vicinity. At the moment, two such bakeries exist. One is located in Včelná and the other in České Budějovice town. 

When it came to interior design, it was important to us to emphasize and point out slow processes, original recipes and handicrafts. The essence of southern Bohemia will breathe onto you too. The entire interior was created on our own, from the wooden floor, paneling, concrete sales counter with a specific patina made of recycled fabrics, to the light plait floating above the store. In the middle of the bakery you will find a large wooden table surrounded by TON chairs, and comfortable vintage armchairs designed by the famous Jiří Jiroutek along the walls. The aim was to create a pleasant space not only for shopping pastries and confectionery, yet also for meeting and sharing. From the store you can see directly into manufacture. We believe that when passing by, you will stop and taste our bread. Bread made the way it should be.

Interior materials 

Pine wood  •  Concrete  •  Glass  •  Roller painting  •  LED neon  • Textile • Bread

Pekárna Chleba se solí, Včelná - kredenc z antikvariátu na chleba a jiné dobroty. Autor: Kurz architekti
Pekárna Chleba se solí, Včelná - prodejní pult jemuž dominuje světelná pletýnka vlastní výroby. Autor: KURZ architekti
Pekárna Chleba se solí, Včelná - retro nabýtek od Jiřího Jiroutky. Autor: KURZ architekti
Pekárna Chleba se solí, Včelná - detail prostoru, tradiční válečková výmalba, prkenné obložení z borovice. Autor: KURZ architekti
Pekárna Chleba se solí, Včelná - detail dřevěného stolu, židle TON, prkenná borovicová podlaha. Autor: KURZ architekti
Pekárna Chleba se solí, Včelná - detail prodejního pultu z betonu. Autor: KURZ architekti
Pekárna Chleba se solí, Včelná - detail desky prodejního pultu z betonu. Autor: KURZ architekti
Pekárna Chleba se solí, Včelná - pohled do výrobny z prodejny. Autor: KURZ architekti

All work © KURZ architects

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 382 82 Benešov n. Černou 93
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